Kastar Grout Operating Procedures (2020)
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2020-11-18T11:57:12+08:00June 18th, 2020|Categories: Video|Tags: Kastar tile grout, live show, test|
Performance testing of Kastar products
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2020-07-09T14:44:44+08:00April 10th, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: Acid-resistance, Alkali-resistance, Anti-mildew, Flexibility, Hardener, high hardness, high strength, high temperature boiling, low temperature freezing, material, No discoloration, No-Flow on the wall, Non-toxic, Resin, safe, stain-proof, test, waterproof, Wear-resistance|
Transportation Packaging Design
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-25T16:37:07+08:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: Packaging, test|
The test of No-Flow on the wall
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-26T16:09:03+08:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: on the wall, test|
The test of high strength(high hardness)
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-25T17:07:28+08:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: high hardness, high strength, test|
The test of low temperature freezing
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-26T16:12:37+08:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: low temperature freezing, test|
The test of Wear-resistance
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-26T16:13:31+08:00April 9th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: test, Wear-resistance|
The test of High quality material: Hardener and Resin
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-26T16:42:57+08:00April 8th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: Hardener, material, Resin, test|
The test of maldehyde content
Kater Adhesives Industrial Co., Ltd2019-04-25T17:11:49+08:00April 8th, 2019|Categories: Video|Tags: maldehyde, test|